CDC Get Smart About Antibiotics Week: November 14-19

With the many threats that face our ability to manage infectious syndromes in the current age, from Clostridium difficile infection to infections caused by organisms resistant to most or all categories of antibiotics, now is the time to get involved in antimicrobial stewardship.

Click here for important information on antimicrobial stewardship, ranging from why stewardship is important, what causes antibiotic resistance, what should be considered during an antibiotic timeout, how to choose the shortest duration of antibiotic therapy necessary, and how to talk to your outpatients with upper respiratory infection on when antibiotics are not needed.

You can start practicing good antibiotic stewardship NOW! What can you do?

·         Observe antibiotic best practices

o   Get culture results

o   Choose antibiotics based on severity and location of infection

o   Use the most narrow antibiotic possible

o   Take an antibiotic timeout to reassess your antibiotic use at 48-72 hours

o   Use the shortest duration of treatment possible based on the indication

·         AVOID antibiotics for inappropriate indications

o   Upper respiratory tract infections

o   Asymptomatic bacteriuria

·         Take the time to educate your patients on when antibiotics ARE and ARE NOT needed

o   Recommend symptomatic relief andback-up plans

o   Reassure your patients